New year 2009 wallpapers


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a little bit of shopping today :)finally a fake fur vest♥so, how will you celebrate new year's eve?i will celebrate with my friends at a houseparty :)but what shall i wear? i think about my black dress with colored tights and my ankle boots... but it's still enough time to change my mind ;)kisses, hippiegi...

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shirt:c&a.jeans,hat,vest:h&,clock:vintagea very lazy day again :)our garden today.beautiful.kisses, hippiegir...

by marketing · 0

.another way to wear a belt.

another way to wear a belt.belt:h&, i got my last christmas present.this beautiful NEW YORK postcard-calender :)thank you!kisses,hippiegir...

by marketing · 0

Free Calendar 2009


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.christmas impressions.

christmas was so wonderful♥i spent so much time with my family... eating, laughing, relaxing... :)here you can see a part of my lovely presentsstreetstyle book from urban outfitters♥i love that sweater♥♥..thank you so much :)wish you all a wonderful last christmas day!kisses, hippiegir...

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Free Calendar 2009


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